Joy and Ego

Joy is our inherent tendency and our birthright. There is nothing and no one who can forbid us joy. Except ourselves.

When we look at the state of our world, we must be aware that something is fundamentally wrong here.

Joy is not inherently irresponsible, but highly mindful and sensitive, in connection with what we bring about. However, some contexts make us ignore the effects of our feelings, thoughts and actions. We can call the sum of these wrong attitudes the ego.

The ego is not the I AM. The ego is a misunderstanding of our identity and role in this universe.

Every individual being has two tasks: its self-preservation and its contribution to the whole. In nature, we can see the smooth interplay of these two aspects. This creates harmony and balance among all species, one of the universal laws.

Our ego focuses solely on the first responsibility: self-preservation and its own benefit. And ignores the second: the contribution to the whole.

Since the world is in a miserable state, it is time to thoroughly review our basic attitude. If we see ourselves as separate from the rest of the world, as better and more important than everything else, our influence on the whole will be destructive.

It is our task to revive the joy of service to the whole. There is a connection between the extent of our joy and the extent of our service. If I live only for myself, I can only experience the joy of my being. If I voluntarily live for something greater, I will experience the joy of that greater.

How great should your joy be?

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