Let Joy be Your Guide

Ways to Joy and Happiness

How do we find happiness? By orienting our lives towards joy. For example, in relationships and in exchanges with loved ones. Or when we follow our creativity. Giving ourselves and/or others beautiful moments. There is so much to admire in this world that can inspire us. New people, countries, things.


Joy and Consumerism

A common way to get joy is to buy something new – consumption from food to land ownership. Different things give us different experiences, but can external things really make us happy? Of course, the more we have had to work or save for something, the greater the joy. Nevertheless, sooner or later a need for something new, something better, arises again. So this kind of joy is short-lived, impermanent, changeable. Many people are content with this kind of satisfaction, merely feel no restlessness, are at peace until another desire arises.


Joy and Pleasure

Pleasure is a short-lived, superficial joy. This phenomenon is in no way to be condemned. On the contrary. It has its function, which sometimes moves us forward. All the many possibilities, things and places are simply wonderful, aren’t they? But we should be aware, as much inspiration as they can give, we should not stop at one-fun stands. A large part of the problems in our world are based on decisions and actions out of inner restlessness. Restlessness and discontent are a bad basis for sustainable solutions. Love for and joy about ourselves and our world makes us act more prudently. Without peace within us, true joy and love are not possible.


Joy and Peace

An essential sign of happiness is peace. Without peace within ourselves, we will merely plug holes of discord with our pleasures. And without peace within ourselves, the world will not be at peace either. Satisfying a desire without the basis of peace within us will again lead to discontent. If we want to be truly happy, we must find peace within ourselves, in our lives. This is the message that countless sages have been trying to tell us from time immemorial.


Joy and Religion

Does experiencing pure joy require a religious belief or practice? I don’t think so. But it does not hurt if you belong to a faith community. Then you can use this channel to strive for the divine goal of a world in which the highest joy is realised.


Joy and other Values

Why joy, what about love, what about freedom, justice? In my opinion, all these concepts are ultimately, at the highest level, synonymous and belong together. God is one, how could his values, what makes him, be separate? I have chosen joy because this is my preferred approach, my gateway to heaven. If you replace the word “joy” in these texts with the term of your choice, does anything change?

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