The Nature of Pure Joy

Joy and Sustainability

How can joy encompass our whole life? Everyone will have to find their own approach for the turnaround to all-encompassing joy. The first step is to decide that it could be possible. Determination gets us there.

Joy is often seen as a short, fleeting experience. This is true in the case where we do not set sustainable goals. We achieve sustainable joy by setting our sights on the highest imaginable happiness for our lives.

Joy and Inclusion

Sustainable joy is inclusive. If we exclude someone, decide that someone should not share in our joy, it is easy to imagine that sooner or later we will experience headwinds, encounter envy, anger or even malice – an unfavourable basis for lasting happiness. When we share joy, it tends to increase. Likewise, joy is supremely empathic and supports those who could use some cheering up at the moment. Empathy and arrogance are mutually exclusive. Our conscience is a good compass in this regard. If we do not listen to our inner voice, we are left with an uneasy feeling and have to justify our decision to ourselves. However, it is certainly not forbidden to do something just for yourself if you need to and if it does not harm anyone.

Joy and Values

Sustainable joy is characterised by values. Is it possible to be happy about worthless things? The higher the value, the higher our joy. What could be the highest attainable value? For example, when all the world will live in joy.

Joy and Challenges

Sustainable joy is transformative. It transforms joyless situations and states into joyful ones. In our existence we often experience obstacles on the way to joy. We experience stress, social pressure, strife, danger. If we do not master them, it becomes difficult to live in lasting joy. Reality then tends towards perpetual dissatisfaction or unhappiness. Having overcome an obstacle gives strength and foundation to joy. In a sense, joy can be said to be combative. We rebel against destruction, suppression of joy. With this strength in alliance, we are well on the way to lasting joy. We can call lasting joy happiness: not just having it, but being it.

Joy and Development

The joy of one’s own existence and of the world is, in its highest level, the realisation of the divinity of all being. The development towards this is stimulated by the desire of one’s own exploration. On this path, one’s own potential is finally recognised as limitless. The result is freedom. The choice of our creations is guided by the quality of the pleasures. The creations will be in harmony with and promote social and natural conditions. God beings interact with God beings. The manifestation of this in technological development will be of the most complex simplicity as we find in the body and in nature. We will create avoiding harmful side effects, waste of materials or problematic waste.

Joy and Health

Sustained joy not only makes us attractive, it also keeps us healthy. Joy is the original life force and every cell in our body is sustained and controlled by it. Joy provides us with positive energy that maintains and promotes the vital functions of the body and mind. A body charged with this energy has the power and motivation to protect itself from unhealthy influences, and it also helps against bad attitudes and habits.

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